Wednesday, April 30, 2008

extra credit 9

satire -

Women's Rights Group Sues Women's Rights Group For Not Being Man Enough

Women’s rights group Men Suck Ass filed a lawsuit Thursday against rival Women’s rights’ group Men are Okay I Guess because MSA felt that MAO (pronounced mayo) was not proactive enough in securing the rights of women and weak in the area of male bashing.

"I like men though," Suzy Sanderbelt, head of MAO protested. "They get the door for me, get stuff down I can’t reach, sometimes they leave the seat up and I want to kill them. If you train them well enough, though, they're not a problem. They're like little puppies, scratch them behind the ears and rub their bellies. They're easy to please. Mine actually likes to walk on the leash and wear a muzzle."

"Preposterous, female backthinking nonsense," Lucy Flucy, head of MSA inc spat. "Why I bet if they go doodie on the floor Suzy rubs their nose in it. Can you imagine?"

We tried to contact a male rights organization for comment, but if there were such a thing we couldn't find it.

Most legal analysts expect the suit to be thrown out during arraignment

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