Friday, May 2, 2008

lesson plan project 3

title - making the right choices
Concept/Topic - Which choices are good choices
Standards - Phonics/Word Analysis, Reading Comprehension, Writing Process
General Goals - teach students they will be rewarded for good decisions and held back if they make bad choices.
specific objectives - they will know to go to class, to do homework, to not do drugs, to not eat bad food, to eat their vegetables, etc.
Required Materials - board, cards that go with it, one die, game pieces
Anticipatory set - talk about choices in life and how they can affect you negatively or positively.
1. Put students into groups (any size)
2. roll dice to see who goes first (highest)
3. roll to see how many spaces you go
4. whichever color the student lands on, they choose that color card and pick A B or C
5. a - move forward 2 spaces
b - move back 2 spaces
c - move forward 4 spaces
6. the first to reach the end wins.
Independent Practice - play the game on their own
Closure - ask a final set of choices
Assessment - whoever wins gets candy
Adaptations - none, its a simple game
Extensions - have to go around the board twice
Possible Connections - have to write out their answers to incorporate english and spelling

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