Thursday, May 1, 2008

letter to texas alliance for life

Alexa Battisti
4200 54th Avenue S.
Box 171
St. Petersburg, FL 33711


Texas Alliance for Life
Executive Director
Joe Pojman, Ph.D.

Dear Joe,
I’m at 19 year old student at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, FL.  I have been doing a paper on women’s health issues and my research led me to your website.   I’m writing to you concerning your stance on the abortion debate.  

Why do you believe women do not have the right to choose what happens to our bodies?  How can you, as a man, relate to what we go through?  By having abortion illegal after the second trimester of pregnancy, the government is rushing women into decisions they don’t have time to be properly informed about.  If abortion were made illegal altogether, it would force women to visit less-developed countries to obtain them, where they would be put into great risks because the people giving abortions might not have the proper credentials.  Wouldn’t it be better to just allow them here, where we can insure the woman will be safe?

America is all about freedom.  If we give the government permission to control what goes on inside a woman’s body, that’s only the first step.  What’s next?  Do you honestly want the government to have that much control over your life?  That goes against the principles this country was founded on.

I’d appreciate it if you’d reply.

Alexa Battisti

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